Planting the Right Seeds Today, Harvesting a Better Future Tomorrow
Why Hemp? Because in Every Part of it Resides the, Promise of a Sustainable Solution

Revolutionary Applications of Hemp
Hemp offers a wide range of sustainable and profitable solutions for nearly every industry. Some of its applications can make fundamental but necessary changes to industries innovating with - fuels, textiles, automobiles, foods, cosmetics, building materials, paper, bio-plastics, and healthcare. Each one of these verticals contribute to the immeasurable volume of non-biodegradable waste and pollution ravaging our planet, much of which can be curbed by using hemp-based alternatives.

A Brief History of Hemp in India
The presence of hemp in India goes back roughly 3400 years. Ayurvedic teachings and texts regard hemp as one of 5 sacred plants recorded and revered in the Vedas. Hemp has been used for a variety of purposes in the past, but it was most commonly used in traditional medicine to treat countless ailments and maladies. Over the last few decades, hemp has been unjustly convicted of being a drug, later proving its innocence and benefits, and finally using research and science to fight its way towards acceptance as a holistic, versatile, and beneficial herb without any psychoactive properties; officially proving it is not a drug.

Hemp Through the Scientific Eye
Spreading awareness and verified knowledge about hemp has been a challenging process. However, the convergence of science, research, and ingenious innovation has encouraged a swift adoption of hemp-based solutions across various sectors. The indisputable evidence in favor of hemp, backed by globally renowned scientists has put hemp back on its rightful and healthful path. At NHempCo, we use a similar scientific and research-based approach to improve the accessibility and reliability of our hemp ecosystem and crafty innovations.

Good for you.
Good for the planet.
Rich in the Right Nutrients
It’s no surprise that hemp is gaining popularity as a superfood. The list of nutrients present in hemp are impressive to say the least. Some include - The perfect balance of fatty acids omega 3 & 6, superior-quality plant-based protein at par with beef, and all the necessary minerals & vitamins.
No Pesticides or Chemical Fertilizers
Hemp is unique in the fact that it requires no pesticides or chemical fertilizers to flourish. It also heals and replenishes the soil it grows in, adding vigor to the ecosystem.
A Sustainable Alternative
Hemp is appreciated for many reasons, the biggest one being its contribution to a sustainable future. It offers plant-based, cruelty-free, non-polluting, and biodegradable solutions for nearly every industry out there. The world requires environmental consciousness and ethical alternatives; the world requires Hemp!
What Separates Industrial Hemp from Medical Cannabis?
Industrial Hemp contains nil to minimal THC (chemical compound which induces intoxication). However, hemp leaves contain minor phytocannabinoids, but the seeds do not have any traces of phytocannabinoids.
Industrial Hemp is 100% legal in India and is primarily used in industries such as nutrition, clothing, cosmetics, sustainable body-care, holistic wellness, bio-plastics, bio-fuels, building materials and more.
Industrial Hemp plants are resilient and adaptable. They flourish in most soil and weather conditions.
Medical Cannabis contains THC, which induces a state of intoxication upon the user. It is regarded as a Psychoactive Substance and banned in India for recreational use, but allowed for medical use under certain licenses.
Medical Cannabis is presently restricted in India, and is permitted exclusively with a license only for research & medicinal purposes under bhang licenses in few states of India. However, it is used recreationally in countries where it has been made legal due to its countless benefits.
As opposed to its misunderstood cousin hemp, Medical Cannabis requires organic soil and nutrients for healthy growth.